Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

I have been lax in doing this blog. Just seems like business at the store and whatnot gets in the way sometimes.

I cannot believe 2014 is winding down. Seems to have flown by.

As we approach the holidays, I usually reflect back on the year; my accomplishments (or lack thereof!), my learning opportunities, and taking inventory of my relationships with friends and family.

Daren and I are approaching our third year of business and we have grown each year. I am very, very thankful for all of the support from our family, friends and all of our customers. I've said before that the most important part of being a small business owner is being able to interact with the people who come in the store each day.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving (one of our busiest holidays!) and I would encourage everyone, as cliche as it is, to take a moment and truly think about what you have to be thankful for. I know I can be guilty of reflecting on the negative situations in my life, so I force myself to step back and take inventory on how blessed I truly am.

Daren is not only my business partner but my best friend. We have been through so much just getting the store going and growing. We don't always see eye to eye but we always come to an agreement eventually. I am truly thankful for our relationship and the fact he is always there for me.

My family. Well, they drive me nuts most of the time but I love them all and am so glad I still have them in my life. I lost my father years ago and you just never fully recover from losing a family member. My family supports me (most of the time lol). If it were not for my mother, I would not have Colorado BBQ Outfitters. She is the reason for me that the store exists.

All of our wonderful customers. What awesome people we meet each day. Not a day goes by I don't strike up a conversation with one of our customers and learn so many interesting things from them.

As we stress over making Thanksgiving dinner, or getting that great deal on Black Friday, or yelling at our favorite football team's loss... we all have something to be thankful for in our lives. Probably many things. Please take a moment and consider something you can be thankful for in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving from Colorado BBQ Outfitters!

Colorado BBQ Outfitters

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